
Pictures from F Barataud's secondment in Bari

23 May 2023


Secondment and Action-learning programme: a win-win combination

This post focuses on part of Fabienne Barataud’s (INRAE) secondment (May-June 2022) who helped contributing to an action-learning module for the Master’s programme SARe (Sustainable Agroecosystem & Resilience).

23 May 2023

By: Florence Dodet, Claire Lamine, Patrizia Pugliese, Pedro Lopez-Merino

A reflexive encounter between two ATTER territories, participating institutions and Leader programs

Following the Cross Fertilisation workshop held in Ostuni (Alto Salento, Italy) in June 2021 between the Alto Salento case study and the Ardèche one with about 25 local actors, which had led to consider future collaborations between the 2 ATTER territories and their actors, as well as the recent secondment of Patrizia Pugliese and Marie Reine Bteich (CIHEAM Bari) in Ardèche, an encounter has been organised on the 17th of May between the two Leader Action Groups (LAG) that are also two ATTER members (PNRMA and Alto Salento LAG) in Ostuni .
The IMRD team involved in the ATTER project

23 May 2023

By: Terralim - Victor Vachelard, Gilles Maréchal, Doriane Guennoc

Rain of brains for the Rennes case study

10 international students of the International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD) of the Institut Agro (Rennes, France), coming from 10 different countries, worked on the Rennes case-study (France) between December 21 and January 2022. Under the supervision of Catherine Darrot (Institut Agro), Gilles Maréchal (Terralim), Doriane Guennoc (Terralim), and Terry Marsden (Cardiff University), they made some steps forward the application of ATTER’s methodological guidelines for case studies.

01 March 2022

By: Gilles Maréchal

Agroecology in Brazil, 2 different pathways in the mountain regions of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul

The metropolitan capitals of the states of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul are both strongly linked to neighbour hills and mountain regions that provide a large proportion of their fruit and vegetables. Both mountain regions are mainly led by conventional agriculture, but agroecology is present and growing. Differences between them are anchored in long-term developments (slavery, Italian colonization) and contemporary dynamics.

23 May 2023

By: EB

Agroecology and public action in the territories: Brazil-France roundtable

The online event "Agroecology and public action in the territories: Brazil-France roundtable " was organised by ATTER’s Brazilian partners along with other Brazilian organisations: Articulação Nacional de Agroecologia (ANA), ASPTA, Casa dos Saberes, CPDA/UFRRJ, Embrapa Agrobiology and GEPAD/UFRGS. One of their speaker was Gilles Maréchal from Terralim performing at the time a secondment for ATTER in Brazil.
ATTER Autumn School 'Ways of Knowing for Agroecology Transitions'

23 May 2023


ATTER ‘Autumn School’ on ‘Ways of Knowing for Agroecological Transitions’ – October 2022

ATTER’s first ‘Autumn School’ will be launched next October, registration are open until the end of February. More details in the article

10 December 2021

By: EB

First ATTER Annual Meeting

Last September, ATTER’s first Annual Meeting was organised in Southern Ardèche, France.
Agroecology Europe Forum 2021

23 May 2023


ATTER at the Agroecology Europe Forum 2021

The two coordinators of the ATTER project, Claire Lamine and Danièle Magda (INRAE) were at the third Forum of the Agroecology Europe association, which took place between from November 17th to 19th 2021 in Barcelona.
Claire Lamine and Richard Bonin at the Forum

23 May 2023

By: CL

A multi-actors forum in Ardeche

Part of the ATTER French team, INRAE (Claire Lamine) and PNRMA (Florence Dodet and Richard Bonin), co-organised the first local food forum in Southern Ardèche, September 24th.
Cross-fertilisation workshop Alto Salento

23 May 2023

By: AV

First cross-fertilisation workshop putting in regard the Ardèche Case study with the Gal Salento one

The first secondments have started in June 2021.
  • 2 (current)