ATTER Autumn School 'Ways of Knowing for Agroecology Transitions'
Autumn School October 2022

ATTER ‘Autumn School’ on ‘Ways of Knowing for Agroecological Transitions’ – October 2022

ATTER’s first ‘Autumn School’ will be launched next October, registration are open until the end of February. More details in the article

The programme for the school will be designed around the ATTER project, itself a community of practice of researchers and practitioners working on ‘agroecological transitions at territorial scale’. It will draw on the expertise of the consortium - built from twenty universities and civil society groups from six countries - to offer an exciting and transdisciplinary programme.

The school will highlight the importance of the diversity of knowledges that exists globally in territorial food systems. We believe that all are needed to understand, facilitate and effect agroecological transitions. This is because transition processes will affect everybody, even if in uneven ways. Moreover, how we view ‘transitions’, ‘territories’ or even ‘agroecology’ will be different depending on who we are and where we are coming from. With this in mind the school will explore multiple methods and tools, relevant to a range of scales, that have potential to transcend the subordination of nature and of people along intersectional lines of race, class, sexuality, and gender.

See also

Autumn School web page on Agroecology Now!

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 21 February 2022 | By: CAWR (CU)