The IMRD team involved in the ATTER project
Rain of brains for the Rennes case study

Rain of brains for the Rennes case study

10 international students of the International Master of Science in Rural Development (IMRD) of the Institut Agro (Rennes, France), coming from 10 different countries, worked on the Rennes case-study (France) between December 21 and January 2022. Under the supervision of Catherine Darrot (Institut Agro), Gilles Maréchal (Terralim), Doriane Guennoc (Terralim), and Terry Marsden (Cardiff University), they made some steps forward the application of ATTER’s methodological guidelines for case studies.

A methodological framework based on the general guidelines : inductive and collective work

The students had two months to produce a first draft of the three documents described within the general guidelines of the ATTER program : a long-term historical timeline; a shorter-term one and a narrative to explicit the two first documents.  

They applied an inductive method of data collection according to the WP3 team methodological proposition. Thus, altogether, the students conducted 20 interviews. They had to overcome language difficulties as all were English-speaking. They built a sample of local actors, exploring the fields of research, consulting, public policy, activism, food production, and the private sector. This was made easier as the case of Rennes is strongly documented since the early 2000s, and local actors are used to work and share with researchers.

A brief synthesis of the analysis: four main periods for Rennes' agroecological transitions

From the end of WWII until 1962, the rebuilding policies had a major impact on the entire society, including the agricultural sector. The year 1962 represents a turning point with an important law on agriculture that politically designed the future of agriculture in France. It got strengthened by the launch of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Both formalised a pathway based on industrialisation and modernisation that still keep influent, despite of environmental concerns that started to raise from the 80s on. The third period underlined by the students, going from 1985 to 2005, is characterised by pioneer movements, especially in Rennes. Still under the former regime, some farmers and citizens built experiments that proved successful. The recognition of this success led decision makers to provide support to this social demand.  From 2005 on, alternative initiatives have multiplied, many times with the help of political actors.

What to do next : deepen and improve the first results

As it was the first step of this case study under ATTER’s grid, some constrains were identified. First, the students were not used to the French language and history. Although it was considered as a force by the WP3 team, it complicated the contextualization of the information given during the interviews. Moreover, the student team only had two months to explore and complete the case-study, which required a high dedication.

Therefore some elements will need to be further analysed. For example, the long-term timeline should begin well before WWII, implying further research on both national and local scales. Real estate issues, education, legal instrumentation, agricultural methods, are issues that the case study leaders will have to further develop, share and confirm through discussion with local actors.

This action was imagined as a challenging way to test the feasibility of ATTER’s methodology by partners that did not participate in its construction. The result is that the time that has to be allowed to present the method and mentor the group keeps reasonable. But we must admit that those students are not average ones : they are strictly selected in their origin countries.

The contribution of such an approach to disseminate ATTER’s results is highly interesting. Even before the production of the first documents, future professionals from 10 different countries got involved. With a real motivation: all of them: they all pointed out that is was really fun for them to participate in a real research, with real objectives that allowed them to meet with real people.

See also

The links to the timelines

The long term timeline :

The short term timeline :

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 20 April 2022 | By: Terralim - Victor Vachelard, Gilles Maréchal, Doriane Guennoc