Claire Lamine and Richard Bonin at the Forum
Multi-actors forum Ardeche

A multi-actors forum in Ardeche

Part of the ATTER French team, INRAE (Claire Lamine) and PNRMA (Florence Dodet and Richard Bonin), co-organised the first local food forum in Southern Ardèche, September 24th.

The first local food forum in Southern Ardèche, brought together more than 100 local stakeholders (facilitators, project managers, advisors, farmers, artisans, local elected politicians, researchers, local civil society organisations and citizens) around thematic workshops about school food procurement, innovations around access to land, local agriculture and climate change, food justice and access to quality food, the creation of a future local food council. Claudia Schmitt from UFRRJ was there to contribute to the discussions about food democracy and citizens’ involvement, and Pedro Lopez Merino (INRAE) presented his serious game about the territorial impact of our diet.

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 29 November 2021 | By: CL