Poster 3rd Local Food Forum
Local Food Forum 2023

ATTER at the 3rd Local Food Forum (Ardèche)

The ATTER team participated in the 3rd edition of the Local Food Forum which was held in Mirabel (Ardèche) on October 6, 2023.

The ATTER session presented the first avenues of typologies of trajectories developed from the observatory's case studies, and pairs of initiatives anchored in the different ATTER territories, mirrored to generate inspiration and reflexivity, around the food accessibility, PAT and Biodistricts, Local Food Councils etc. Several participants from ATTER, France, Brazil and the USA contributed to this meeting organized by the PNR des Monts d'Ardèche, INRAE, Civam and Pétal 07, and which involved nearly a hundred local actors.

3rd Local Food Forum: