Group of PhD researchers
First ATTER Phd retreat in Bari

First ATTER Phd retreat in Bari

During the month of February, 6 PhD researchers from the network were generously hosted by CIHEAM and Alto Salento for the first ATTER PhD retreat.

The intention of this collective secondment was to create an open but structured moment to support doctoral researchers in the advancements of their research projects. Three weeks of living together, with dedicated moments for skill exchange as well as lots of informal peer-to-peer mentoring turned out to be a good recipe for supporting researchers in the often-lonely PhD-trajectory.  Participants also presented their work to their fellow PhDs and a few senior researchers from the ATTER-network. Thanks to Paulo Niederle, Armelle Mazé, Fabienne Barataud, Jasber Singh, Michael Bell, Danièle Magda and Barbara Van Dyck for their valuable feedback.

Check out our Facebook posts about the PhD retreat:

Group photo at the PhD retreat
Group photo at the PhD retreat