The 30 participants of the Annual Meeting
ATTER 4th and last annual meeting

ATTER 4th and last annual meeting

ATTER participants met in Joigny

From the 24 to 26 september 2024, participants in the ATTER project met for the 4th and last annual in Joigny, Burgundy. Many thanks to the CPIE Yonne-Nièvre for their help in the preparation of the event and to the local actors we met : La Caserne Bascule , Phare de Trillian - Laboratoire Écologeek Coopératif de la Transition La Convergence des Possibles and Terres du Pays d'Othe. We thank them for their time and availability for our many questions!

The 27 participants took part in workshops to follow-up on the activities linked to the project.. They discussed the future of the network, the integration of new case studies and the creation of a MOOC on agri-food transition.