Report - RAAS 2022
RAAS 2022 report

‘Ways of knowing for Agroecological Transitions’ report - RAAS 2022

Report on the RISE-ATTER Autumn School 2022 ‘Ways of knowing for Agroecological Transitions'

A consortium of ATTER partners co-designed and delivered a 7-day Autumn School in October 2022. The main objective of this week-long collective space was to bring together researchers and practitioners from across the world who want to exchange, learn and
advance their thinking and practice on agroecological transitions. The organisers and the participants explored multiple methods and tools that can support agroecological transitions at different scales and which have potential to transcend the subordination of nature and of people along intersectional lines of race, class, caste, disability/ability, sexuality, and gender.

Modification date: 22 November 2023 | Publication date: 22 November 2023 | By: CAWR