ATTER - Agroecological Transitions for Territorial Food Systems (H2020 MSCA RISE)

What is ATTER?

The ATTER project develops an interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral exchange program for scaling up agroecological transitions for territorial food systems. It gathers researchers and practitioners in working on cross-case studies through secondments, trainings and workshops, relying on 16 territorial case studies anchored in five countries (France, Italy, UK, Brazil and USA) and on the complementary skills of the 18 participating organisations. The ATTER network will be managed as an action-research eco-system to boost the emergence and dissemination of knowledge.

The project is funded by the RISE (Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges) scheme, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action promoting international collaboration through sharing knowledge and ideas between research and practitioners across the world. Concretely, it is based on a program of mobilities (secondments) that have to be inter-sectoral and international.

ATTER is a Consortium of 19 partners.

Open Conference 2025

08 April 2025

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium

Open Conference 2025

The members of the ATTER international network invite you to their open conference, the 8th of April 2025 in Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles).
Participants of the workshop posing in front of a barn

A workshop focusing on the Right to Food, Agroecology, Food Sovereignty and Just Transitions

Cardiff University Team and members of Terralim SCOP listening to a farmer on a field in Wales

A cross-fertilization workshop between the UK and France with Cardiff University and Terralim: a a day of sharing and exchange